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 Tour de France - Stage 2 (03/07/2006)

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Number of posts : 309
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Registration date : 2005-12-06

Tour de France - Stage 2 (03/07/2006) Empty
PostSubject: Tour de France - Stage 2 (03/07/2006)   Tour de France - Stage 2 (03/07/2006) EmptyFri 14 Jul à 22:35

Click here to see Tour de France Stage 2 Results
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Number of posts : 309
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Registration date : 2005-12-06

Tour de France - Stage 2 (03/07/2006) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France - Stage 2 (03/07/2006)   Tour de France - Stage 2 (03/07/2006) EmptyFri 14 Jul à 22:36

Stage 2

295 PTS Da is't - That's It (da ist)
265 PTS Team Erie (Team Erie)
230 PTS HamBones (markedg)
240 PTS AMM's Team (ReyMysterio)
205 PTS Solrac (Solrac)
195 PTS Team Laage (tvirkus)
190 PTS Team Spinal Canal (demoniack)
190 PTS JV 1 (jens vestergaard)
190 PTS FC Porto (paulojmartins)
190 PTS Creative Team (RHorta)
165 PTS Madinina_riders (Mad972)
155 PTS T-Mobile (Snake-byte)
150 PTS Sorilouro Cycling Team (Ripu)
145 PTS Bellies (bellies)
145 PTS Pro Fantacycling Team (Boso)
145 PTS CSC-Sporting (Diogo_Miguel)
135 PTS Mamados Pro Team (O-Portugues)
125 PTS Crockett's Rockets (Crockett)
115 PTS Maia Cycling Team (jonny)
115 PTS The Classics (Liquigas-Man)
110 PTS Burzum (Burzum)
095 PTS One Peace - South Park Cycling Team (LuffyMihawk)
085 PTS Gordos Pro Cycling Team (Pedroduarte)
075 PTS [OFW] OrderForWin (Hugo)
070 PTS Gondomar-CyclingTeam (popovych_pt)
065 PTS Belo's Team (Belo)
065 PTS Team Fruiss (Rasmussen)
030 PTS Team AjTek (JonasErraia)
030 PTS Cycling SaBaDell 29 (ManuSabadell)
030 PTS Hainaut-Escaut (YAMAMOTO)
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Tour de France - Stage 2 (03/07/2006)
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